Perfect Pitch! Stay Ready for Opportunity
Perfect practice makes perfect performance! While performing in the number one marching band in the country, the Marching 100, I would often hear my band directors reiterate those words. What I took from tireless hours of practicing perfectly is this.. when you practice what you do as if it were the real performance, you keep yourself in a constant state of being prepared. Being prepared for opportunities in your image, promotional materials, and pitch lead to new relationships, your product being seen, meetings, and exposure. This picture was taken of me in mid-pitch sharing my book with Guiliana Rancic of E! Network, and she gave me great feedback and now has her very own copy. The moral of the story..... If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready! More on this can be found in my book Look the Part to Get the Role, The Ultimate Visual Branding Guide, 40 Days to Looking, Branding, and Becoming the Role you want to play in your life
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